Tips To Add A Raised Garden Bed To Your Backyard Space

When you want to plant a garden, but your backyard does not provide a great deal of room or good soil, a raised garden bed allows you to get around these problems. With a raised garden bed you don't rely on the condition or existence of fertile soil in your yard because you add your own upon nearly any existing surface. Here are some recommendations to help you get started and build your own raised bed for your backyard growing enjoyment and the benefit of eating healthy vegetables it produces.

Construct the Bed's Raised Sides

One of the most important parts of a raised garden bed is its structural side supports. These side supports build up the depth of your garden soil and hold the soil in place while your vegetables grow. Fortunately, you can use a variety of materials to add height as long as they extend high enough to provide ample room for your plant's roots to grow. 

You should construct the sides with a material that will add at least a foot of depth to your raised garden beds; more if you want it. You can use old railroad ties, new lumber plywood, metal panels, or brick paving stones. You can also find a pre-made kit to install a raised garden bed at a local home improvement store. Just connect the panels together to build the garden bed frame and line it with your choice of weed fabric to prevent weeds from growing into your bed from the soil below.

Add a Nutrient-Rich Fertile Soil

After you have built the structure of your raised garden bed, you can add the soil into the frame. You will want to select a healthy soil and not any fill dirt that may be available in your area.

Because you are not relying on the soil already in the ground, you can make it as fertile and rich as you like. And you can do this by adding a potting soil and compost combination to give your garden plants as much food for their roots they will need. Because your garden plants will be restricted to grow only in the soil you provide, make sure it gives them as many nutrients as possible.

Don't compact the soil into the garden spot. Leave it loose and soft to help your plants grow easily within it. And because you won't have a need to ever walk upon the soil in your garden bed, it will stay loose and avoid compaction.

For more information, contact a company like Durable Green Bed

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gearing up for growing season

With spring just around the corner, many people's thumbs are turning a little green. You might have already begun digging through all of your gardening equipment to make sure that you have everything that you need to get started the minute Mother Nature allows. My blog will show you how to prepare your equipment so that it is in good shape the day that you need it. You will find tips for keeping your equipment in good shape and advice about the tools that will prove useful and might not already have in your arsenal of gardening equipment and supplies.